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Collaborative European Technology Platform for innovation

CSR: Cristal innov is committed to a proactive policy.

Innovation driven by the challenges of climate change: Recycling non-compliant parts, either by reintegrating them as raw materials into the process, or by diversifying their use, with the example of CRYSTALITE. Diverting technologies for innovations in favor of the environment: the Synterre project aims to use hydrothermal synthesis technology (used for the synthesis of quartz) in order to purify rare earths in an eco-friendly process, compared to current technologies. Search for new crystal...

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Management of non-compliance action plan

During its ISO-9001 certification renewal audit, 2 strong points were highlighted in CRISTAL INNOV QMS : - The efficiency of its ERP, both for the repeatability of production ranges, the traceability of products and the management of non-compliance action plan (yes, it may rarely happen...) - Its pro-active CSR policy (Corporate social responsibility) on its two aspects (societal and environmental). It can generate innovation too (e.g., more environmentally positive material, recycling, etc.)...

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Cristal innov is committed to CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility.

As for environment, reducing and recycling waste, optimizing energy efficiency in facilities and processes, and limiting carbon footprint by lower transportation are Cristal innov’s 1st priorities. As for social issues, Cristal innov is vigilant about how raw materials are extracted at the global level. Its team promotes and disseminates scientific knowledge and gets involved in NGO at the local level. This corporate responsibility leads to innovation, with an R&D project on an innovative...

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Scientific publication LGT

Cristal innov works in strong collaboration with R&D lab on Langatate (LGT). This is the last scientific publication we contributed to. At your disposal for any further information Download the publication

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